Homebirth is an empowering, intimate, and loving experience that can bond an entire family before, during, and after the birth of your baby. Homebirth for low risk populations has been found to be as safe or safer than hospital birth.
Homebirth treats birth with reverence and as the sacred act it is, welcoming your baby gently, lovingly, and quietly into this world.
Visit the Services tab for more information on my services and information on how to get started
Homebirth services
Personalized, individual, empowering.

Homebirth Midwifery Services
This is a time for you to travel alongside your baby and your family, and we are here to facilitate that journey. Midwifery care is personal, tailored to each individual person. We provide support during pregnancy, including prenatal visits at least once a month, on-call support by phone and email, help at your birth in whatever capacity you would like, and postpartum visits throughout the twelve weeks after birth with certain packages.
Meet the Midwife
You can always call or email me for more information, but here is a brief history of how I started birth work, my own two freebirths after a cesarean, and my training to become a Autonomous Midwife in Southern Utah.