My books are officially open for anyone with a due date after September 1, 2025.
All Wild and Free Appointments are starting points, along with being a one off option should you simply need more support, whether we continue together long term not.
Schedule a 90 minute appointment, where we discuss not only your plans for the current or future pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, but also where we go over anything that happened previously, unpacking trauma and experiences, while also learning how to take care of yourself in a more holistic and empowering way. This is your chance to ask any questions you want, learn about the latest research and information, find support in whatever way you need and want, and receive information to move forward in whatever way you wish.
Even if you are birthing in the hospital or with another midwife, this appointment is for you to go through anything you wish and receive support and information pertinent to you and your journey.
- If you’re planning a freebirth, this is a great starting point to make sure you have everything in place for an incredible experience, and a place to reach out if you need more support or information.
- If you are wanting an Autonomous Midwife, this is a starting point to see if we are a good fit while also setting up for the care you wish to receive, even if it isn’t with me.
- If you are looking for support and information, this is a great way to truly get what you need from a long visit to support your decisions and growth.
The appointment is $150 and you will receive not only the call/visit and information, but everything sent to you after, including worksheets, articles, a resource directory, and more.
If you are interested in any extras I offer the community, including Placenta Encapsulation and Photography, please click HERE
Prenatal visits in your home (typically monthly until 28 weeks, biweekly until 36 weeks, weekly until birth) with you in charge of scheduling
Postpartum Care through 12 weeks after birth
Labor and Birth for me and my assistant from whenever you wish until 2-4 hours after birth
Newborn Exam, Birth Certificate, and SSN filing
Birth Kit (aside from household items like towels, sheets, etc)
Birth Pool and full kit
Herbal Bath herbs and preparation
A Copy of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley
Placenta preparation for smoothies or encapsulation
A copy of My Prenatal Book, with information from me and other birthworkers on topics related to pregnancy and birth
Placenta Encapsulation - $250
Includes encapsulation, a placenta tincture, and a placenta salve
$100 more for Placenta Homeopathy
Text me at (435) 851-9526, email, or use the contact form to get on my schedule
Fertility Coaching - $150
Includes Cycle tracking information, personalized help, and more
Schedule a Wild and Free Appointment to get started
Birth Photography - $800
You receive all edited photos, no limit on amount. Most receive 150-200 photos, to use however you wish
Gallery examples are photos taken by me or my team for reference
Email or use the contact form to get on my calendar (no guarantees) or receive more information
Breast and Chestfeeding Photography - $150
You receive all edited photos from a 30-45 minute photo session
Examples in Gallery linked in Birth Photography
Email or use the contact form to schedule or receive more information
Postpartum Meal - $40
Whole homecooked foods, made with herbs and broths to help healing during the postpartum, plus they’re yummy!
Herbal Postpartum Bath Kit - $25
Moonrise Postpartum Ceremony - $250
A ceremony in your home for you and two close friends or family, with a cacao session, birth story talk-through, Reiki and basic massage, hip, rib, and shoulder binding session. This is done at least 40 days after birth, but can be done any time beyond that, even years after the birth.
Email or use the contact form for more information