Autonomous Midwifery Services in Southern Utah

About the Midwife behind moon tree


About Me

My Name is Kayce Pearson (she/her)

I am an Autonomous Midwife based in Cedar City.

Birth is about creating strong people, strong families, and the best place for that is somewhere you are already comfortable - your home. I am prepared to give you the best hands off care, along with anything else you need, to have the birth that you dream of.

My first pregnancy I was in the care of a CNM at the local hospital, and her care was judgmental and lacking to me. I followed along, knowing what my body could do and I wasn’t scared or worried about the natural birth I knew I could have. However, at 36 weeks my baby was breech, which ended in an External Cephalic Version or ECV at 37 weeks and one day after being transferred to the care of an OBGYN. I had no say in any of this beyond having an ECV or going straight to a cesarean. During the procedure, her placenta tore, I had a cesarean that afternoon, followed by a life flight and 7 day NICU stay an hour away from home.

I studied, apprenticed, and learned all I could for my own next pregnancy and births. I then had two unassisted births after cesarean, or UBACs, after multiple losses, and I understand the value of truly letting the birthing person be all that they need to be. I am not here to take any of that away from you, and I can help create the perfect space to welcome your new addition in whatever way you choose. It is YOUR BIRTH, it is YOUR BABY, and it is completely your decision what should and should not happen during that time.

In addition to the 3 years I apprenticed with a traditional midwife, I graduated from Indie Birth Midwifery School in March of 2020, to truly have the best education possible to assist at births. I am ready to be your midwife, and there is so much benefit to continuing education even while you practice!

I've seen birth inside and outside the hospital, I've researched and learned, I've helped and I've experienced, and I truly believe that birth belongs to the parents, not any outsider. As a midwife, I choose to facilitate the experience and environment YOU want for your birth. Just like my UBACs, I want you to feel how empowering birth can be, how truly strong you are. I am there to hold space, help with information and resources, and revel in the beauty that is an empowered and autonomous homebirth!


Before I even met Kayce, she was willing to answer questions about my previous birth that no obstetrician was willing to talk about - things that mattered very much to me and not them. At our consultation appointment, we just clicked! Kayce is so fun and knowledgeable and she was able to help my husband and I feel so comfortable with all of our options.
Even though we were in a different state for part of our pregnancy, she continued to provide support and care. She never rushed our appointments which allowed us to discuss everything as well as build a relationship.
When it came to laboring and birthing, she and Brenda were my rocks. They offered their support in whatever ways I needed, even if it was sitting in the same room and doing nothing. They never did anything without my consent.
They helped me have a successful VBAC at 42 weeks with a healthy 10lb baby boy. My partner and I could not be happier with our care!
— Camille
I was 14 weeks pregnant and it had become increasingly obvious to me that I didn’t want to deliver in the hospital. I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t switched to a midwife yet and I finally was like: well, it can’t hurt to have a consult! I felt so much relief and excitement the day I met Kayce and she began my prenatal care the day after that. My whole experience with her was perfect, I wouldn’t have changed anything. I love the way she supported me through pregnancy and birth and now during postpartum. Her skill set and ability to cater her care to a mother’s individual needs seems a rare find and I’m truly blessed. This was my second baby and the birth seemed to loom at times due to baggage I had from my firstborn. I’m thankful I could trust Kayce’s confidence in me and my baby, it helped me to be confident too. The experience of how my second beautiful baby finally joined us earth side is an everlasting gift that I can’t describe in words and I just feel so emotional and grateful. Thank you Kayce and Charli <3
— Harley
I meant Kayce when I was 26 weeks pregnant. It was the best pregnancy and birth any woman could ask for Kayce is truly gifted and knows a lot. Throughout my whole pregnancy Kayce always helped me be confident and know that everything is going to be okay and it was. Thank you!.
— Hannah
Best midwife in southern Utah, hands down! Kayce is a midwife who truly respects and cares for women and their babies. She takes the time to really listen, and trusts her client’s intuition. I am so grateful to have had her at the birth of my most recent baby. She is knowledgeable and skilled. Thank you Kayce for all you do!
— Desiree

I cannot imagine having anyone besides Kayce by my side. She is a magical person. Not only did she make me feel safe and well taken care of, but I was supported in my pre-labor decisions, as well as the changes I made during labor. You cannot go wrong trusting this wonderful lady with the most magical experience of your life.
— Gabbi

Kayce is a gentle, kind, and understanding soul. She has a unique ability to connect with you on a deep level which in turn surrenders your full trust to her. It is well deserved. She is there for you in every way she can be. You feel heard and validated. Aside from her wonderful bedside manner she is also very knowledgeable about birth and the many forms of normal and abnormal it can manifest. She is constantly yearing for more knowledge on the subject. She has experienced her own range of births and losses which gives her an added measure of empathy and understanding. She will listen when it calls for it and make you smile and laugh when it is needed.
— Britta

Kayce was a godsend and absolute miracle for me. I was preparing for baby #2 after a traumatizing, induced, home-birth-turned-hospital-birth for my first baby. I didn’t believe my body was able to birth a baby naturally after that experience. But Kacey provided just the right amount of hands-on practice and confidence in me and my body to do what it was designed to do. She and Brenda assisted where needed and had the expertise and knowledge to know when to stand back and allow my body and baby to work together. Kayce facilitated the kind of birthing experience I always dreamed of. My baby grew in my belly until she was ready to come, and the water birth was the most empowering experience of my life. I felt so supported and safe! I couldn’t recommend Kayce more!!
— Darian

Kayce is so dedicated to educating and supporting women throughout their journey of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Her passion for birth and community shines through all her actions. I was so privileged to attend a birth workshop presented by her as well as a prenatal support meeting. She has helped to create more of a home birth community in Southern Utah which is lacking and desperately needed! Even though I had a different care provider during my pregnancy, she brought some pH paper to my doorstep so I could test to see if my water had broken or not since my provider lived an hour away and I wasn’t able to see her soon.

I have been constantly impressed by her kindness and genuine desire to support all women in this process, no matter what their choices be.
— Vanessa