Mentorship Program Information

When you're finishing your apprenticeship or schooling and figuring out how to start a practice, trying to figure out if you're truly ready or if you need more, it feels isolating. Every choice feels like you're reinventing the wheel. 

If you're choosing not to license or take the NARM, there is another layer of insecurity and lack of continuity from preceptors and schools to make sure the midwives being trained are supported as they go on their own. You don't have a piece of paper saying you're ready, you only have your gut, possibly the school or preceptor, and hope.

Even if you've been the primary midwife for a while, those first clients you get under your own name can make or break your journey. 

This program is to support you, in whatever you need. I started my practice on my own, without support from anyone, in 2019. And I made so many mistakes. I had my classmates to reach out to, I had a couple elder midwives, but I was truly on my own making sure this worked. And in 2021 I almost burned out completely.

I don't want you to go through that. I want you to have the business you desire, the clients you crave, all while knowing someone has your back. You shouldn't be in this alone and you should have someone in your corner.

This program is not permanent. I do not want anyone to feel like they have to continue needing an intense level of support to continue being a midwife. I want this to be a stepping stone, a way for you to find more confidence, so at the end of six months to a year, you are ready to fly. At the end, I am not pushing you out, but you will move on to a different level of support from me, and the community I hope to build.

In this program:

You will have access to me (within limits, like I will not be texting back at 3am for non-emergencies, just like my own clients) through text and video. I have Marco Polo, Voxer, Messenger, DM on IG, WhatsApp, GroupMe, and Telegram. All are available to you, whichever is easiest, though the group chats will be on GroupMe and Marco Polo for ease. 

Access to me can look different for everyone. The people that I have helped before, it has been questions about different topics related to their clients and themselves, such as: 

  • Blood work walkthrough

  • Symptoms clients are dealing with, ways to narrow it down, and possible treatments

  • Information they've read and have questions about

  • Talking through videos and posts they've found online to see what could be done differently or what it all means

  • Discussing their practice, including forms, resumes, information

  • Helping them feel confident in the skills they possess, while making a plan for things they are worried about

  • Narrowing down who they want to help and why

There really are no limits to what you can ask or receive.

I am only signing up five people to start, to make sure each person receives the help they want and need and I am also not overtaxed. I also only take on 5-7 clients of my own every year for this reason, making me accessible to everyone that needs me, including my family. 

Twice a month, you also have the option to schedule an hour long live mentor call with me, should you choose. This will be used to go more in depth on anything you need and create plans going forward. Sometimes it could simply be a way to vent about something, while other times we discuss everything you've been working on or what you've been doing. 

In addition to the mentor calls, you can also debrief with me after every birth, if you want it. Even the good births! Celebrating the triumphs is just as important as walking through the hard situations together. 

The group chats are a place where everyone signed up can talk to each other, but no more than 5 people in the group plus me to keep it small and less overwhelming. It's also a way to crowdsource questions and get support from more than just me. We all need a community and sometimes we just need to build that ourselves.

Twice a month I will be leading live video calls:

  • One on business with topics like

    • Forms

    • Practice protocols and routines

    • Charting

    • Websites and Social Media

    • Peer Review (every 2 months)

    • Ideal Clients

  • One on education topics like

    • Blood work

    • Shoulder Dystocia

    • Birth Video viewing

    • Newly released research

    • VBAC

    • NRP

I want them to be an open discussion as well, not just me lecturing, so figuring out when everyone can attend will be important. Things happen and not everyone can be there all the time, but maximizing it will be really helpful for growth and the need for community building. They will be recorded and posted so you can watch whenever you wish.

You will also get access to all of the forms, flyers, and books I create, along with all my bookmarks. I have a lot of resources and making sure everyone has access to all of it is important. You may want to create your own or just use mine, either way is up to you. Most of the things I create are available to buy on my website, but through this program, it's all included for free.

You are also automatically added to my discord server through the Patreon, but you do not have to use it. I'm hoping to build it up more this year so we have a great group of birthworkers that can all support each other, but that's not the main goal of this program.

We aren't supposed to be Midwives alone. We are supposed to have support that looks like all of this so we can find our own place in the world. Most midwives don't make it to five years, and I want everyone to have the support to go as long as they wish, not ended for burnout or other reasons.

The course is $150 a month or $744 if paid 6 months in full, plus $1 a month to the site. I am using Patreon as the platform for now, and if you pay in full you need to subscribe for $1 a month to have access to everything, which is why I've removed the $6 from the total fee paid to me.

Sign up below! If the program is full, please join the waitlist!  

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